Hurricane Ian and System Status

October 1, 2022

SCHEART returned to normal operational mode at 1500 today.  Thanks to all the people who supported Hurricane Ian response and provided field reports.


September 28, 2022

SCHEART will be going into emergency operations mode on Friday at 0900 and remain until Ian passes.

SCHEART system status: Conway UHF is operating as a stand alone repeater and can not link to the statewide network.  It will not be available to support statewide communication for Ian.

Whitehall UHF has low link audio and engineering was not able to resolve the issue.  It can be linked statewide but audio from the network will be weak.

Greenville, Dillon, and Hilton Head DMR repeaters are not linked due to network issues to the sites and will not  be available for statewide communication.

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