9 articles Severe Weather

Hurricane Ian and System Status

October 1, 2022 SCHEART returned to normal operational mode at 1500 today.  Thanks to all the people who supported Hurricane Ian response and provided field reports.   September 28, 2022 SCHEART will be going into emergency operations mode on Friday at 0900 and remain until Ian passes. SCHEART system status: Conway UHF is operating as…

Severe Weather Operation 3/18/21

South Carolina Emergency Management has request SCHEART system support an expected severe weather event on Thursday March 18, 2021.  The analog repeater network will remained linked after the normal healthcare net and the digital network will go into emergency operational mode.  Both systems are available for operators to submit severe weather information to the State…

January 3 Possible Inclement Weather Operation

Charleston SKYWARN requested coastal repeaters be linked on January 3rd due to possible inclement weather (ice and snow) along the South Carolina Coast.  Condition reports can be sent to the Charleston NWS over the SCHEART system.  Configuration changes may occur during the day as conditions warrant.  Thanks to everyone for supporting the Skywarn Program.  …