Conference Main (*70)
Conway VHF (*30)
CHS – Awendaw VHF (*31)
CAE – Columbia VHF (*32)
CHS – Wallace VHF (*33)
Whitehall VHF (*34)
Florence VHF (*35)
GSP- Greenville PM VHF (*37)
Orangeburg VHF (*39)
Beech Island VHF (*42)
Sumter VHF – W4GL (*44)
Barnwell VHF – KK4BQ (*45)
Murrells Inlet VHF – W4GS (*46)
Spartanburg VHF (*47)
Conway UHF (*50)
CHS – Awendaw UHF (*51)
CAE – Columbia UHF (*52)
Whitehall UHF (*54)
Florence UHF (*55)
GSP- Greenville PM UHF (*57)
Aiken RMC UHF (*58)
Orangeburg UHF (*59)
Rock Hill UHF (*60)
Beech Island UHF (*62)
Greenwood UHF (*63)
Sumter UHF (*64)
Barnwell UHF (*65)
Spartanburg UHF (*67)
Dillon VHF W4PDE (*82)
VE testing session is at Aiken SDA Church, 1714 Columbia Hwy N. Aiken, SC 29801. Its on the corner of US-1 and Gun Range Rd on the north side of town.
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.
Conference Main (*70)
Conway VHF (*30)
CHS – Awendaw VHF (*31)
CAE – Columbia VHF (*32)
CHS – Wallace VHF (*33)
Whitehall VHF (*34)
Florence VHF (*35)
GSP- Greenville PM VHF (*37)
Orangeburg VHF (*39)
Beech Island VHF (*42)
Sumter VHF – W4GL (*44)
Barnwell VHF – KK4BQ (*45)
Murrells Inlet VHF – W4GS (*46)
Spartanburg VHF (*47)
Conference Main (*70)
Conway VHF (*30)
CHS – Awendaw VHF (*31)
CAE – Columbia VHF (*32)
CHS – Wallace VHF (*33)
Whitehall VHF (*34)
Florence VHF (*35)
GSP- Greenville PM VHF (*37)
Orangeburg VHF (*39)
Beech Island VHF (*42)
Sumter VHF – W4GL (*44)
Barnwell VHF – KK4BQ (*45)
Murrells Inlet VHF – W4GS (*46)
Spartanburg VHF (*47)
Conway UHF (*50)
CHS – Awendaw UHF (*51)
CAE – Columbia UHF (*52)
Whitehall UHF (*54)
Florence UHF (*55)
GSP- Greenville PM UHF (*57)
Aiken RMC UHF (*58)
Orangeburg UHF (*59)
Rock Hill UHF (*60)
Beech Island UHF (*62)
Greenwood UHF (*63)
Sumter UHF (*64)
Barnwell UHF (*65)
Spartanburg UHF (*67)
Dillon VHF W4PDE (*82)
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.
Conference Main (*70)
Conway VHF (*30)
CHS – Awendaw VHF (*31)
CAE – Columbia VHF (*32)
CHS – Wallace VHF (*33)
Whitehall VHF (*34)
Florence VHF (*35)
GSP- Greenville PM VHF (*37)
Orangeburg VHF (*39)
Beech Island VHF (*42)
Sumter VHF – W4GL (*44)
Barnwell VHF – KK4BQ (*45)
Murrells Inlet VHF – W4GS (*46)
Spartanburg VHF (*47)
If you’re testing for the first time, you must obtain an FCC Registration number (FRN) at Bring a copy of it with you to the testing session.