8 articles Events

Live events, like hamfests, meetings and get-togethers. Not including training or testing.

SCHEART at South University

SCHEART participated in a day long program at South University in Columbia on November 2, 2023.  Students were introduced to Amateur Radio and how SCHEART supports healthcare facilities during emergencies.  Responder elements from Richland and Lexington County along with DHEC, Red Cross, and Salvation Army participated in the event. Steven Nixon is shown below setting…

Memorial Net for N4UFP

On Monday, May 22 at 8:20 PM local time, a memorial net will be conducted on the SCHEART repeater system in honor of Marc Tarplee, N4UFP.  Marc has been ARRL Section Manager for South Carolina since 2010 and has been a big champion of Amateur Radio and the SCHEART program.  Unfortunately, we lost Marc on…

Saturday October 26 SCHEART Community Outreach

SCETV is hosting a Community Engagement Fair at their Columbia facility on Saturday, October 26 from 9am – 1pm. The event is called “Meet the Helpers” and is intended to increase community awareness of emergency preparedness and public safety providers with an eye toward work force development and recruitment.  SCHEART will participate in this event…

COOP & SKYWARN Open House Day

Announcing COOP & SKYWARN Open House Day Saturday April 22, 2017 Our Cooperative Weather Observers & SKYWARN Ham Radio Spotters are critically important to the National Weather Service’s mission: “Protection of life and property, and enhancement of the national economy” We’d like to say thank you to our volunteers for the priceless work you do.…