The next Amateur Radio License Course will be conducted in Columbia at SCETV on December 7, 8, and 9th.� Classes will start at 6:30 PM and end at 10:00 PM.� Testing will be on Saturday, December 10th.
Courses for Technician, General and Extra class licenses will be available, but students need to RSVP to and indicate which class they plan to attend.�� For additional information please contact Stan Slaughter, N3LU at or call Tara at 803 737 3500 and she will have Stan return your call.
SCETV is located at 1041 George Rogers Boulevard, Columbia, SC 29201
The next Amateur Radio License Course will be conducted in Columbia at SCETV on December 7, 8, and 9th.� Classes will start at 6:30 PM and end at 10:00 PM.� Testing will be on Saturday, December 10th.
Courses for Technician, General and Extra class licenses will be available, but students need to RSVP to and indicate which class they plan to attend.�� For additional information please contact Stan Slaughter, N3LU at or call Tara at 803 737 3500 and she will have Stan return your call.
SCETV is located at 1041 George Rogers Boulevard, Columbia, SC 29201