Myrtle Beach/Georgetown Survey

On Friday and Saturday June 9th and 10, members of ARES/SCHEART will be supporting a DHEC evacuation survey in the Myrtle Beach and Georgetown area.  To facilitate communication, the Conway VHF/UHF and Murrells Inlet  VHF repeaters will be linked from on Friday from 2:00 PM until 4:40 PM.  On Saturday the Conway VHF/UHF and Murrells Inlet VHF repeaters will be linked from 8:30 AM until 4:40 PM.

On Saturday at 5:00 PM the VHF repeaters will rejoin the normal statewide travel link.

The DHEC door to door survey is in preparation of hurricane season.   Questions about this survey should be directed to George Mudd, KK4F, ARES DEC.

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