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Communications exercises for training, live or network.

June 8 2019 Statewide Exercise

SCHEART will support a statewide communication exercise on June 8, 2019. During the day, analog VHF/UHF and DMR UHF repeaters will be configured to support the exercise. While this exercise is targeted toward counties and healthcare facilities, ALL Amateur Operators are encouraged to participate. Around 0845 AM, SCHEART repeaters will be linked to support simultaneous…

NDMS Exercise May 2-3

A National Disaster Medical Service exercise will be conducted in Columbia on May 2-3 with several local hospitals and healthcare facilities participating. SCHEART has been requested to provide auxiliary communication support. Exercise and training activities will affect the Columbia 146.715 MHz and 441.725 MHz repeaters during the day. Net Control Operation will be conducted from…

January 19 Exercise

ARES Area 3 will be conducting an exercise on Saturday, January 19, 2019 starting at 1000 and running until 1200 local time. The Columbia VHF repeater will be removed from the normal statewide VHF link during this period. You may obtain additional information about their exercise by contacting the Area 3 DEC, W4ESD or any…

National Disaster Medical System Exercise – May 9, 2017

On May 9th, there will be a National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) exercise conducted in the Columbia area.  Simulated causalities will arrive at the Columbia airport during the day and be sent to area hospitals to test surge capabilities.  Approximately 160 people will be dispatched to 13 area hospitals.  Amateur Radio will provide back up…

DHEC Pee Dee Regional Exercise 4/13/2017

On April 13 2017, the DHEC PeeDee region will conduct a Redundant Communications Exercise focusing primarily on hospitals and healthcare facilities.  The main focus will be on hospitals but all regional healtcare facilities may participate.  This will be an amateur radio exercise using the scenario that all other means of communications have failed. SCHEART volunteers…