SCHEART would like to give a big thanks to members of the Cherokee County Guardians for driving several 100 miles and spending many hours fox hunting the signal interfering with our Spartanburg VHF repeater. The continuous 24/7 transmit started March 14 and was linked to a defective radio. The Fox hunt crew actually changed out the microphone on the mobile unit and cycled the radio off/on. All indications were normal until they keyed the radio again and got a continuous PTT. The licensed amateur operator had no idea they had a defective radio.
A special thanks goes to KW4EMF who joined members of the Cherokee County Guardians in searching for the interference source that was blocking the Spartanburg repeater. Roger used expertise developed while participating with KK4SMV of the Cleveland County Amateur Radio Service and KJ4PPF of the McDowell County Amateur Radio Society in local hunts. Once committed to the search, Roger tracked on the repeater input to a radio located at facility in Clinton, South Carolina. That’s approximately 38 miles from the repeater location.
We are very grateful for the assistance provided by all the local hams in addressing the problem.