Getting Involved with the SCHEART Program

There are multiple options for getting involved with the SCHEART program.

1) Become involved in your local hospital or healthcare facility.  In this roll you will become part of the facilities Radio Response Team (RRT) and support radio traffic at the facility.  You will participate in the weekly Healthcare nets in support of the facility.   Individual facilities will provide training and credentials as necessary. To find out about support options for your local healthcare facility, register in the Amateur Radio Emergency Services or in South Carolina Department of Public Health  SCDPH Medical Reserve Corps.   Once registered, someone from that organization will contact you with additional information.

2) Join the Net Management Team and become a Net Control Station for the Thursday Healthcare Net. You will receive instruction on conducting a net and learn how to efficiently manage radio traffic.  For more information Contact Kent Hufford, KQ4KK at

3) Classroom Training and Testing Team:  In this option you will support training of new hams and/or support testing during the exam.  SCHEART conducts quarterly training session at SCETV studios in Columbia followed by a testing session.  With additional volunteers, this training program will be expanded to other locations around the state.  If you are interested contact Stan Slaughter, N3LU at

4) Technical:  In this option, you assist SCETV in the routine support of the SCHEART hardware, interface new equipment, repair old equipment and help the staff when needed. In this roll you will become a volunteer for SCETV.  For more information contact Roger Mull, KD4JQJ at

5) Trailer Support Team: This role supports the SCETV trailer and trailer deployment during training and activation.  In order to support the trailer during an activation, you must complete required FEMA training, registered in the SC AUXCOMM database and complete a background check.  For more information contact Gary Lennert, K2KYJ at

6) Program Support: This role provides opportunities to visit ham clubs and Hamfests representing the SCHEART Program.  You will conduct presentations about SCHEART and answer questions.  This is a Public Relations and educational outreach program.  If you are interested in this roll contact Roger Mull, KD4JQJ at

Each of these roles offer an individual the opportunity to learn and enhance their skills. For some options, you’ll need to become a SCETV volunteer.  For supporting the SCETV trailer during an activation, you will need to be in SC AUXCOMM and obtain SCEMD Identification media.  For visiting clubs and doing outreach, you only need a willingness to be engaged.  Depending on the policy of your local healthcare facility you may need local credentials and specialized training which they provide.   

As a side note, while this program is called South Carolina Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Team, which implies one select group of people, SCHEART is really a) the statewide repeater network, b) groups of volunteers who support their local healthcare facilities, c) group of volunteers who support SCETV in the operation and management of the network and d) nonprofit corporation which raises money to support system enhancements. Collectively these groups operate under the umbrella called SCHEART.

KD4JQJ has written 133 articles