ETV Microwave Network Update

UPDATE 6/8/2022- The Spartanburg Microwave segment update has been completed and SCHEART VHF/UHF and DMR repeaters have returned to normal network operation.


Over the coming months, SCETV will be upgrading their statewide microwave network.  This network links most of the SCHEART repeaters to the audio conference servers in Columbia.  As microwave link segments are switched over to new equipment, some repeater locations will be off the statewide linked network for a short periods.   SCETV Engineering will try to minimize the time any one repeater is off the network.  More detailed information will be posted as this project progresses. 

UPDATE 5/13/2022- The Spartanburg Microwave link system updated started on Thursday May 12th.  This segment affects the VHF/UHF Analog and DMR repeaters located at the site.   The repeaters should be reconnected to the conference servers by the end of next week.  The repeaters are available for local use but cannot connect to the statewide system.

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