58 articles Repeaters Page 4 / 6

Beech Island returns to normal ops

UPDATE: 9/08/2021 Beech Island repeaters are back to normal operation with DTMF linking 9/3/2021 Beech Island VHF and UHF repeaters are operating in stand alone node after equipment upgrade.  New repeater equipment was installed on Friday September 3rd.   During the installation, engineering uncovered an interface issue with the existing IRLP equipment.  A fix to enable…

Support Ticket Link

10/13/2020 Update:  The Support Ticket Link has been restored.  It is available for reporting SCHEART system problems.  Please be as clear as possible when reporting a problem.  If you have any issues with the ticket system, please use the contact us link.  Thanks. SCHEART Support Team The support ticket link is unavailable while IT investigates…

Network Status

Due to equipment failure at Charleston-Wallace, the VHF will be operating in stand-alone mode unit a replacement IRLP box is installed. The Charleston-Awendaw UHF network connection has a separate issue which is being investigated. The Dillon VHF and DMR repeaters are operating in a stand alone mode and can not be checked until repairs are…

New SCHEART Repeater

March 15, 2019: The Union County Repeater has developed a technical issue which will require it to be off the air until engineering can visit the site and implement repeaters. March 7, 2019: The Union County Amateur Radio Club has partnered with SCHEART to add a VHF repeater to the network in Union. The K4USC…