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MRC Volunteers

I would like to extend a heartfelt word of thanks to all of the MRC (Medical Reserve Corps) volunteers who are working behind the scenes so that DHEC and the nurses and medical staffs can do what they are doing to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. DHEC and medical personell are fighting tirelessly to belay the…

2018 SCHEART Review

We would like to thank all those who donated time and money to support the SCHEART network in 2018. As a result, SCHEART made an impact across our state and region. If you enjoy using the SCHEART repeater network, please consider donating to SCHEART. Your donation will help fund system enhancements, future upgrades, and is…

Palmetto Scene Ham Radio Segment

SCETV produced a segment on Amateur Radio which first aired on September 20, 2018.  It is available for on-line viewing at https://video.scetv.org/video/teacher-recruitment-ham-radio-active-shooter-training-m7oeem/ The segment covering Amateur Radio starts at 13:50 into the full episode.  You may recognize some of people in the video. SCHEART would like to thank ETV for helping to educate the public…

2018 ARES/RACES Auxiliary Communications Tactical Plan is available

An updated edition of the South Carolina ARES/RACES Auxiliary Communications Tactical Guide is available on the ARES Website.  The new edition provides updated information on the SCHEART repeater network.  You may download a copy of the guide from the ARES-SC.ORG website at the following link: http://ares-sc.org/ Suggestions or changes to the guide may be submitted…