June 8 2019 Statewide Exercise

SCHEART will support a statewide communication exercise on June 8, 2019. During the day, analog VHF/UHF and DMR UHF repeaters will be configured to support the exercise. While this exercise is targeted toward counties and healthcare facilities, ALL Amateur Operators are encouraged to participate.

Around 0845 AM, SCHEART repeaters will be linked to support simultaneous ARES net on VHF and Healthcare Net on UHF. The DMR repeaters will be placed in emergency mode for command, control and coordination traffic. Tactical traffic may be passed on DMR when necessary. The exercise will conclude around 1500 on June 8th and repeaters returned to normal weekend configuration.

This exercise is structured to demonstrate operational readiness of auxiliary communications at participating EOC’s and other facilities by successfully sending messages by Amateur radio, Local Government Radio and or Satellite phone using prescribed communications protocols.   In testing this capability, counties will need to establish contact with local amateur operators within their county or adjacent counties. Also, during this exercise, simplex communications will be tested and any license amateur operator may help relay a message on 146.595 MHz (PL 156.7 Hz) to move it across multiple counties.

More information about the June 8th exercise maybe found at http://ares-sc.org/ Also, the ARES/RACES Tactical Communications Plan is available on the website. This Plan provides guidance on fall back plans should the SCHEART network fail and provides alternate preferred frequencies around the state.

We encourage everyone to participate. This will be the largest statewide exercise being conducted and will include amateur operators, emergency management personal, state fire, state guard and local agencies. This is a no fault exercise structured to test concepts and find problems. Also to determine creative ways to get information from remote locations back to the State Emergency Operations Center. It should be a fun and educational day for all.

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