Hurricane Dorian Ops Plan

September 6, 2019 @ 1310

At 1315 the SCHEART network is returned to normal amateur operations. Thanks to all the amateur who assisted healthcare facilities and local agencies during this emergency. Also, thanks to all the amateurs who participated in the SKYWARN net and those who volunteered to be on stand by for deployment.

September 5, 2019 @ 1930

Dorian is pasting the SC/NC board while leaving wide spread power outages near the coast. Damage assessment will begin tomorrow and radio room staffing will continue through initial assessment. The western part of the state was not affected by the storm and those repeaters are returned for normal amateur use as requested.

September 5, 2019 @ 7:30 AM

Support for Hurricane Dorian continues with the SCHEART network in emergency mode. The normal Thursday healthcare net will be abbreviated today with check ins for healthcare facilities. There will be no training conducted today. Any emergency traffic will have priority.

Also during the day SKYWARN traffic may be If the network becomes congested, the VHF and UHF repeaters will be separated with UHF repeaters primarily handling healthcare traffic and VHF handling county and SKYWARN traffic.

September 3, 2019

SCHEART analog repeaters are linked (VHF and UHF) for support of Hurricane Dorian. DMR is in emergency operational mode restricting traffic to SCHEART repeaters. The system will remain in emergency mode until further advised.

September 1, 2019

The Governor has placed South Carolina under a state of emergency as preparations are underway for Hurricane Dorian. South Carolina Emergency Management has elevated the threat level to OPCON 1 and the State Emergency Operations Center fully activated 0800 on September 1, 2019.

The SCHEART network will transition into emergency operational mode on Tuesday September 3rd and the SEOC radio room will be staffed starting at 0800 to support auxiliary communications until the hurricane threat is over. The South Carolina ARES/ RACES Auxiliary Communications Tactical Communications Guide provides details for SCHEART network users. The current copy of the plan can be downloaded from the ARES website at

As a general rule the VHF analog repeaters support county EOC to state EOC tactical communications while the UHF repeaters support healthcare facility to state EOC communications. During low traffic periods and informational nets, the VHF and UHF repeater networks may be combined. The DMR PRN talk group provides statewide coverage for command traffic or alternate tactical traffic. DMR local talk group is available for regional traffic. Information about talk groups can be found in the Tactical Guide.

If you experience issues with the network, please submit a support ticket on the website or contact the SEOC radio room.

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