1. Ensure your transceiver is working.
2. Ensure your microphone is located where it won’t be keyed accidentally.
3. Ensure you are tuned to the proper frequency.
4. Don’t “ker-chunk” the repeater.
5. Ensure you know how to set the CTCSS (PL tone) without the manual.
6. Pause a second before speaking.
7. Communicate Clearly.
8. Adjust for background noise and interference.
9. Use Plain Language.
10. Ensure you have a minimal “Go Kit” in you car for emergencies.
This topic is the subject of whole articles. However, as a minimum, you should carry the following items in your vehicle besides your mobile rig:
2 meter hand held
Earphone / headphones
Paper and pencil
Appropriate clothing
Spare fuses
Food/snacks and water
First Aid Kit
Electrical and duct tape
Cheap Volt-Ohm-Meter
Extra batteries (alkaline battery holder is a plus)
Copy of FCC license and County issued ID for access to the EOC
From N3GQ, Senior Emergency and Continuity Manager, PS&HSBÂ FCC