Update: March 2021 Ham Radio Testing and Training.

NOTE: There has been a change in the location for testing. It will be held at the South Carolina State Guard, Granby Armory. The address is 551 Granby La. Columbia, SC 29201. You can get directions here: http://tiny.cc/gqfutz

SCHEART will be offering Ham (Amateur) Radio classes in March. This is for Technician, General and Extra. All classes will be running from March 15th to 19th from 6pm to 9pm. Some classes will not take the whole week, but will finish when all the material is covered. These classes run concurrently. You can only choose one of the classes.

Due to the Corona virus, we’re presenting the classes by video conference using Zoom videoconferencing (http://zoom.us ) If you didn’t have the time to attend in person before, now is your chance. Email me at midlandsve@gmail.com. I’ll forward your email to your instructor and they will send you an invitation to the video conference.

Here’s a tutorial on how to use zoom: https://tinyurl.com/y8hbdlvr

If you’ve never used videoconferencing before, Here’s a couple of tips:

Use a headset or headphones. Any headphones that plug into your computer will do. Even the wired ones that came with your cell phone, if it’s using the 1/8” plug. This eliminates feedback when you un mute your microphone.
Mute your microphone when not speaking to the instructor. Otherwise the class will hear any background noise from your computer.
Find the text/ chat function and use it.
New hams will have to start out with the Technician course.

All classes are free. If you wish to attend, RSVP to MidlandsVE@gmail.com. Be sure to tell me which class you want to take and include you cell number.

Testing will be offered on March 20th at 08:30 am at South Carolina State Guard, 551 Granby Lane in Columbia.  Click on the address to get directions. We’ll take care of the administrative work first and start the testing at when the admin work is done. Bring a photo ID, an original and copy of any Ham Radio license, your FRN and $10.00 cash. If a child is testing and has no photo I.D., bring a copy of a birth certificate.

If you are testing for the first time, you must bring your FCC Registration Number (FRN), which you can get here: https://tinyurl.com/yayymn28

If you’re coming for testing only, email us so we can plan accordingly.

Please refer any questions to MidlandsVE@gmail.com.

N3LU has written 30 articles

Extra Class: N3LU
Training coordinator: SCHEART
Testing coordinator for WCARS
EC: Team 3 at SCEOC
CW3 South Carolina State Guard, G-6 (Signal Corps)
Communications Coordinator/Trainer, Lexington County CERT