On April 13 2017, the DHEC PeeDee region will conduct a Redundant Communications Exercise focusing primarily on hospitals and healthcare facilities. The main focus will be on hospitals but all regional healtcare facilities may participate. This will be an amateur radio exercise using the scenario that all other means of communications have failed.
SCHEART volunteers should contact their respective facility to determine if that facility is participating in the exercise and how you can assist. If your facility is not participating and you want to be involved contact George KK4F (kk4f@arrl.net) and we will find a place for you.
The exercise is scheduled to begin around 10:00 AM shortly after the regularly scheduled Thursday SCHEART ESF-8 statewide net and should last an hour or two. We will be using the linked UHF side of the SCHEART system because in a disaster that is where healthcare facilities will be operating.