National Disaster Medical System Exercise – May 9, 2017

On May 9th, there will be a National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) exercise conducted in the Columbia area.  Simulated causalities will arrive at the Columbia airport during the day and be sent to area hospitals to test surge capabilities.  Approximately 160 people will be dispatched to 13 area hospitals.  Amateur Radio will provide back up redundant communications for the event.  ARES-AUXCOMM volunteers will staff the SCHEART trailer and provide net control operations at the Columbia Airport.  ARES-SCHEART Radio Response Team Members will staff receiving hospitals.  The exercise will start at 0730 and run until 1630  using the SCHEART repeater network.  If you are interested in participating in the event, please contact your RRT team lead, or your ARES DEC/EC for more information.

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