Idalia Communication Plan

8/31/2023 @ 1410, The SCHEART network is returning to normal operation.


SCEMD requests the SCHEART repeater network to be configured for emergency support operation starting on Wednesday, August 30th  and remain ready to support auxiliary communication traffic until Thursday August 31.  The exact time the system will return to normal will be determined by Idalia’s impact on primary communications systems.  SCHEART will link statewide at 09:00 and DMR will go into emergency mode on August 30th and remain until SCEMD cancels their request.

Depending on traffic, we anticipate the Thursday 0900 AM SCHEART Healthcare net will be conducted as normal  This will allow healthcare partners to confirm equipment operation.  The SEOC radio room will stand by as the normal healthcare NCS operators conduct the net.  If there is any emergency or priority traffic, the healthcare NCS will direct it to the SEOC radio room.

All SCHEART and Amateur Radio volunteers are requested to check your radio gear and monitor your designated channels as Idalia moves out of the state.  Be safe and thanks everyone for support emergency communications in South Carolina

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